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November 1, 2024
September 13, 2024
Learning when to act quickly and when to slow down and deliberate
December 5, 2021
Growing as a researcher means taking more ownership, not seeking less advice
November 7, 2021
Moving into the academic year with a pandemic still looming
October 10, 2021
Use your research skills to explore options and make an informed decision
September 10, 2021
Each person you advise has different needs and preferences
August 8, 2021
Recognizing contributing factors is the first step
July 6, 2021
Achieving goals is more fulfilling when you set the terms of success
June 9, 2021
Building a lasting relationship starts with a good conversation
May 4, 2021
Institutions can’t take away the pain for individuals experiencing loss, but they can create policies to provide support
April 7, 2021
Learning to manage your finances isn’t so different from managing a research project
March 7, 2021
Columnist Jen Heemstra on how a supportive life partner shaped her career
February 7, 2021
Self-care during the pandemic is a marathon, not a sprint
January 8, 2021
We can’t prevent life’s challenges, but we can keep growing through them
December 6, 2020
Jen Heemstra on how to help those around you separate facts from myths
November 4, 2020
Here’s what grad students and postdocs can do to broaden their horizons—and how faculty can support them
October 9, 2020
When faculty focus on supporting their students, everybody wins
September 12, 2020
From online teaching to promoting diversity and inclusion, we have a lot to learn
August 13, 2020
Managing expectations will be key, says Jen Heemstra
June 16, 2020
What we can learn now to make the tenure system more equitable in the future
June 1, 2020
C&EN advice columnist offers 4 tips on adapting to times of uncertainty
April 1, 2020
Creating more opportunities for dialogue is just the first step
March 11, 2020
Constructive criticism works best when it’s a 2-way street
January 28, 2020
Jen Heemstra on self-advocacy and how to go about it
January 7, 2020
Don’t shut your door and hide under your desk; you can help
December 1, 2019
Recognize what’s really going on, enlist support, and be kind to yourself
November 5, 2019
Your career is as much about the people as it is about the research
October 12, 2019
Getting a master’s degree is a decision, not a downgrade
August 6, 2019
Faculty can do these 3 things to help their students struggling with mental health issues
July 3, 2019
Want to solve the mental health crisis among grad students and postdocs? Start with faculty
June 4, 2019
Jen Heemstra on how to turn our negative thoughts into positive actions
May 8, 2019
Emory University chemistry professor and Twitter phenom will answer your questions in this new monthly advice column
March 25, 2019